Your renewed Verify reporting

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More ways to reduce operational costs

Are you aware of the new Verify features you can benefit from?

Feel free to take a minute to read about the different features below, to see if any would be useful to you as these may help you recover even more costs and gain better insight about your customers.

For more than 30 years, Litmus have assisted more schools in managing their tenders to find their preferred choice of caterers than any other consultancy in the UK.

We’ve saved schools millions of pounds in that time through the provision of expert advice and detailed analysis of the options available.

Whether you’re a single school, or a small or larger Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), the new features are not to be missed.

Verify won’t just measure and report your key performance indicators and the financial reporting against a budget but will show you what good really looks like.

With the largest database of outsourced school catering operations in the UK,  Verify can:

  • Show you how your staff and students rate your catering service compared to how those in other schools rate theirs
  • Detail whether your Free School Meal Uptake is good, average or lower than others in your region
  • How your food costs per pupil rank against others
  • Plus, bring you a whole lot more insight not previously available

The Litmus Verify service…its game changing for schools…contact Litmus to find out more.





Relevant For

Single Site and Very Small MATs

Small / Medium MATs & Clusters

Large MATs

Education Level

Mix of Primary & Secondaries

Mix of Primary & Secondaries

Mix of Primary & Secondaries


No Fixed Term Contract

Minimum of 18 Months Contract

Minimum of 36 Months Contract

All Content of Content PDF Reports

Available as a PDF Report Only

Dashboard Option Available

Dashboard Includes a Truncated & Expanded Version of P&L

Print Friendly Option to Export PDF From the Dashboard

School's Consumer Insight Score Vs The Average for the Region

School's Consumer Insight Score Vs Anonymised League for Others in the Region

Level of FSM Uptake

School's GP Run Rate Vs the Average for the Region

Additional Run Rates Vs the Average for the Region - Eg Labour Costs Etc

FSM Uptake Vs Average and Others

Report on Non Financial KPIs Depending on Contract Eg Food Waste, KPIs

Extra Finanacial KPIs League Tables Vs Anonymised Others

Recording of Demographics

EOPS Data Analysis Includes Footfall and Ave Transaction Value Reporting

Additional Options From Consultants - Eg Discount on Other Tenders, Mystery Shopper, Etc Etc

Measuring your catering services KPIs as agreed with the caterer are just a small part of what we can help you understand in order to inform your decision-making process and achieve more for less.

Our fees

We have developed a number of funding options to ensure that our fees are affordable by all. Choose between a fixed fee which can be spread over 12 months or the contract lifetime and a number of other payments terms, including the winning contractor funding our costs. Click to read more.

How it works

We’re here to make life easier for our clients. We have refined our client journey, accompanying services and unrivalled expert teams, so we can offer a straightforward approach to complex challenges. Ready to discover how our unique approach can help your organisation? Click here to find out more.

Work with us

For more information on any aspect of the services we provide, or to discuss how to get the most from your Verify reporting, please get in touch with us today!