Operating with integrity

We believe the business processes, operating models and workflows that we have developed over the past 30 years are the most reliable and proven consulting methodologies available.
We have aligned with various respected bodies to enable us to understand and deploy the very best ways of working.
To learn more about a particular facet of our approach to business and the best practices we adopt, please click or tap on the relevant tab below.

ISO 9001 is the world’s most recognised Quality Management System (QMS) standard and is defined as the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS).
Organisations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS).
Organisations use the standard to improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.
Learn more about the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) here.

As an organisation providing consultancy services across the UK, we are committed to delivering social, economic and environmental benefits, not only within our own business, but also through the outcomes we help to deliver on behalf of our clients.
For more than 30 years we have been committed to achieving our present standing – the leading Foodservice and FM Consultancy providing services to both the Public and Private sectors.
We have always considered it our duty to influence the positive contributions that can be made by service providers and the social value improvements that can be created through the delivery of the diverse services they provide – whatever they may be.
When working with clients we make sure that we understand their organisation’s Social Value objectives.
Three key elements are included:
- Economic well-being
- Social well-being
- Environmental well-being
Once understood, it’s our job to ensure that the client’s objectives form part of the specification and are appropriately valued when assessing the solutions provided within the proposal or tender response.
We take the view that creating Social Value encompasses factors regarding how organisations treat their human stakeholders – both inside and outside their business activities. This includes:
- Comparative Living Wages
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Gender Pay Gap
- Employee Engagement
- Reskilling/Training
- Health and Safety
- Human Rights
- Charity
We work with Social Value UK (SVUK) and are proud of our contribution to achieving Social Value within each project we touch. We are Social Value Pioneers and work with other Pioneer organisations who share our commitment to Social Value.
The benefits of working with SVUK are numerous however the key take aways for us are:
- Learning from others and passing on this knowledge to our staff, those that work with us and to our clients.
- Collaborating with a selection of organisations who deliver and/or influence positive social value.
- The ability to adopt best current practice and offer our clients a service that independently audits their social value effectiveness and that of any contractor working on their behalf in the provision of services.
Making a difference at our HQ
In relation to our own Social Value objectives, we set and measure our own objectives in relation to:
- Working within the local community of our headquarters to directly deliver benefits to those living in our locality.
- The improvement of economic well-being through the use and employment of local skills and resources.
- Contributing to social well-being by encouraging the support of our local community activities and charities.
- Improving our environmental footprint by achieving ISO14001 accreditation and being a responsible and considerate business, employer, tenant and neighbour.
Practical measurements of success
Our measurement metrics are continually evolving. At the core of our success measurement are the following actions;
- Ensure all relevant new tender specifications and contracts include which social value opportunities and requirements should be achieved and how progress should be measured.
- Seek feedback from clients as to how our contracts, or those of the appointed Contractor, are meeting their Social Value objectives.
- Share the results and any recommended solutions to issues which emerge from any independent audit we carry out for clients and their contractors.
- We achieve our own Social Value objectives each year.
At all times Litmus Partners, Consultants, Associates and Support Team Members shall maintain the highest ethical standards in all matters that relate to clients’ businesses and shall act solely in each client’s best interest.
All Litmus Partners, Consultants and staff will observe the following best practice:
- Provide the best possible service to each client;
- Accept work for which they are suitably qualified to undertake;
- Maintain full confidentiality in relation to every aspect of each client’s business;
- Provide complete impartiality and objectivity in all aspects of advice and support provided to clients;
- Undertake their work with integrity and in a professional manner that inspires respect, trust and confidence of every party concerned;
- Use their best endeavours to seek out and recommend only the highest quality-led services that meet their clients’ cost requirements; and
- Maintain a fair and even-handed approach in client-supplier negotiation matters.
We will not take chances with your personal data. Litmus is committed to managing digital records and data securely.
We are a Cyber Essentials accredited organisation.
The Cyber Essentials Scheme is managed by The National Cyber Security Centre ~ www.cyberessentials.ncsc.gov.uk ~ and is funded by the British Government.
Cyber security risks are on the increase and the Cyber Essentials accreditation process checked our ICT defences against commodity based cyber-attacks. Our Cyber Essentials accreditation goes beyond compliance with the requirements for the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
In the context of the tasks we undertake as a business, sometimes we will need to share personal contact information, fiscal data about the organisations we work with and, potentially, the employment details of individuals.
Cyber-criminals must be prevented from accessing such data, as by doing so, they could open a gateway to obtaining further sensitive information about individuals, organisations and other stakeholders involved in your business.
We believe that any organisation engaged in consultancy and, de facto, the management of your data, in any capacity, should hold Cyber Essentials accreditation Certificate No. IASME-A-015614.

Litmus has always had a robust and effective data protection program in place which is compliant with existing law and abides by the data protection principles. We were quick to recognise our obligations to update and expand this program to meet the requirements of GDPR.
We completed this work and declared that we’d met all the new criteria with effect from 16 May 2018.
We recognise too that we must continue to keep pace with any further changes, additions and clarifications of the new regulations which might require us, from time-to-time, to update our documentation and records accordingly.
Copies of our GDPR compliant Privacy Policy and any other information you may require are available on request by emailing dataprotection@litmuspartnership.co.uk.
View our full Privacy Policy here.
Work with us
Whether it’s a business, education, health, government or leisure setting, we see a diverse range of challenges. Challenges that will have solutions. We bring a fresh and independent perspective and deliver innovative, realistic strategies that result in positive outcomes for everyone.