Reviews & Audits

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How do you measure up?

There’s always room for improvement and sometimes it’s difficult to measure how you are doing.

We provide service audits and reviews to many organisations and they take several different formats.

If you’re not sure how you stack up financially or you need to assess your service strengths and weaknesses, then we can help you understand what needs to be done to realise your objectives.

Litmus audits and reviews

Popular Services

Strategic ReviewA comprehensive operational and financial review, leading to a strategic plan recommending how services can be delivered better in future to best meet the needs of your consumers.
Financial AuditIdentifies overcharging, labour irregularities, erroneous charges, purchasing discount retention and reveals the true level of earnings realised by the service provider.
Best Value ReviewIndependent verification of service charges and whether they represent true value for money. Identification of areas that need improvement, with an options appraisal for how these might be delivered.
Efficiency ReviewA health-check rating the quality and effectiveness of service delivery. We use readily available data to assess performance and focus on end-user experience, highlighting key areas for improvement.
Options AppraisalWe listen, then, following a detailed site visit, we use our experience to set out a variety of options aimed at delivering improvements in cost and quality.


After an audit or review, you can expect improvements in the quality and cost effectiveness of your service – either through a re-negotiated arrangement with your provider or via a market testing project.

Audit & Reviews project reports