Our Fees

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Flexible Fee Models

We have developed a number of funding options to ensure that our fees are affordable by all.  Our clients usually choose a fixed fee which can be spread over 12 months or the contract lifetime.

However, other options exist including the winning contractor funding our costs or a mutual reward agreement (gain share).

We also offer a Client Agent Agreement delivering all-inclusive long-term services at a fixed cost. 

Please let us know if you would like to explore an alternative funding model. We can flex all our of fee models to suit you, finding a payment solution that works for your needs.

(one of the most common models)

  • Quite straightforward where the consultant is paid a fixed amount
  • The fixed amount can be paid 50% upfront, 50% on completion (or split otherwise)
  • Benefit: The school knows the upfront fee, and can set the money aside

However, if capital outlay is a problem then Fixed Fee is applied to a Contract Lifetime model

  • If capital outlay is a problem, then the fixed fee can be applied to a Contract Lifetime model
  • This spreads the fee across the lifetime of the contract in monthly instalments; usually 36 or 60 months
  • Benefit: The fee is spread so schools don’t need to find the lump sum
  • Instead of being paid a fee, the consultant gets a share in the annual cost savings achieved
  • The consultant would be very confident that significant savings will be delivered, otherwise they don’t get paid
  • Benefit: The school doesn’t have any ‘outlay’ on the consultant’s fees
  • More revolutionary in approach
  • The consultant doesn’t just simply deliver the tender service, they continue to provide post-sale support through the lifetime of the contract
  • Post-sale support can include help with service negotiations, checking invoice accuracy, consumer insight programmes, assisting the school to prepare for a re-tender etc.
  • This promotes a long-standing relationship between the school and consultant as the contract ranges from three to five years
  • Benefit: The contact at the school can focus on their day job and leave the consultant to manage the contractor and the school benefits from ongoing external expertise as part of their wider team

Fee-free quotes? Our advice

Beware, some consultancies offer their fees for free. However, this comes with a warning from us – what appears to be fee-free isn’t actually free, and you may end up paying more without realising. 

If you want to be able to spot if a consultant is trying to disguise their fees or you’re being charged more than you should be, have a read of our free ‘How to Spot Hidden Fees’ guide.

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Discover how we saved one Multi-Academy Trust c£200,000

“We’ve worked with Litmus Partnership since we began in 2016 – and in fact, our Founder worked with Litmus even before that – so the years of working together speaks for itself. Litmus have become a trusted and invaluable part of our team and have completely overhauled our operation for the better. They understand Multi-Academy Trusts, the challenges we face and are always robust in their recommendations. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend working with Litmus.” Tim Monelle, Director of Trust Services, Lighthouse Schools Partnership.

Work with us

For more information on any aspect of the services we provide, or to arrange an appointment, please get in touch with us today!