Local Authorities

A helping hand
Central funding changes over recent years have resulted in many local authorities recognising that their schools need guidance and assistance in the provision of their school meal services.
The technicalities of the public procurement process, and writing entirely appropriate specifications, especially for grouped arrangements, can be complex as it’s also crucial that every school participating is compliant with Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (formerly OJEU) procedures.

Set up to succeed
We take pride in our ability to positively collaborate with local authorities to devise solutions that result in beneficial outcomes for their schools.
In particular:
- Our resources and systems give us the ability to manage complex multi-site procurements.
- Our vast live database means that we can accurately benchmark financial bids and meal costings using the very latest data.
- Our experience helps us manage mobilisation period which meet the expectations of the schools involved.
Hands on expertise
We have worked with a variety of local authorities to find the right solution for their schools’ catering services. Our expertise includes:
- The management of large PCR (Public Contracts Regulations 2015) tenders to select one service provider for the local authority’s primary and secondary schools.
- A thorough knowledge of the PCR competitive dialogue tender process gained on a project to create a joint venture company with the local authority and the preferred caterer; this included the construction of a central production kitchen to provide meals for those schools with no cooking facilities.
- Contract management and monitoring on behalf of a local authority with embedded Litmus resource.
- Tendering and putting in place catering equipment maintenance contracts.
Local Authorities showcase
Work with us
For more information on any aspect of the services we provide, or to arrange an appointment, please get in touch with us today!