Litmus FM is excited to be appointed by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO), to undertake a full review of the current TFM service model and service levels ahead of preparing a new suite of tender documents. UKHO is a world-leading centre for hydrography, specialising in marine geospatial data to support a safe, secure and thriving ocean, and its headquarters building in Taunton has won multiple awards in recent years, the most recent being the BCO National Awards ‘Best of the Best’ category and ‘Corporate Workplace’ category.
The UKHO’s tender will be for the provision of a full range of FM services, including hard and soft services, but excluding Security at their facility in Taunton.
UKHO are currently midway through a major investment programme, investing in several buildings on their Taunton site to complement their 5-year-old main office facilities.
LitmusFM will support UKHO throughout the procurement programme and are seeking engagement from the market via the CCS framework.
Our client is willing to conduct an ‘open day ‘ meeting ahead of the tender release to help the market understand more about their requirements and what their key objectives are in carrying out this procurement exercise.
We would be keen to hear from any suitably qualified contractors who would like to know more about this exciting opportunity.
The LitmusFM Team