Nutrition, Allergens & Menus

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How Litmus Edge can help schools achieve good nutrition across their menus

For schools, it’s imperative that they provide students with healthy, nutritious meals and snacks. This not only plays a vital role in helping children get all the energy, nutrients and fluid they need for a healthy body and brain, but it also ensures schools are meeting food standards, are encouraging maximum uptake on school dinners and driving much-needed revenue.

Litmus Edge
Juilette Kellow

Registered Dietitian Juliette Kellow

Registered dietitian Juliette Kellow wrote an important article for us about the impact good nutrition has on pupils – read that here. However, the biggest hurdle for all schools when it comes to menu development is time. It goes far beyond simply reworking the dishes on the menu, it also involves comparing costs of ingredients, checking the allergen credentials of products, understanding the nutritional value of each recipe and so on.

Litmus Edge – our specialist in-house food procurement Purchase to Pay (P2P) and Catering Management System – does exactly that.

Litmus Edge Purchase to Pay (P2P) and Catering Management System

It transforms school catering by simplifying complex processes through a single software application, allowing schools to benefit from enhanced food service management whilst also giving kitchen staff more time that can be used to create better food. In other words, it allows educational institutions to provide nutritious meals efficiently.


Schools can access exclusive features with the Litmus Edge Purchase to Pay (P2P) and Catering Management System

Allergen & Nutritional InformationAllergen and nutritional information aligned digitally into menus and recipes, eliminating time consuming menu management and allergen checks. There are 4000+ recipes with supplier-linked nutritional and allergen information as well as automated School Food Standards menu management.
Streamlined Kitchen ManagementStreamlined kitchen management processes reducing time spent on kitchen administration by 15 hours per month on average. This includes providing a single point of ordering and consolidated invoicing, streamlined stock management, EHO compliance management, real-time end-to-end dashboard reporting, and simplified team, task and diary management. The time saved can be focused on creating delicious and nutritious dishes for pupils.
Improved Supplier ManagementImproved supplier management and a sector specific supply chain that reduces procurement costs by up to 20%, through access to a network of specialist suppliers and expertly negotiated prices alongside real-time benchmarking and automated price file maintenance. Schools also have the choice to manage their own existing supplier arrangements within the Edge platform.
Menu Planning, Pre-order & PaymentEasy menu planning, pre-order and payment through access to thousands of recipes and carefully crafted, seasonal menus, all available for parent and classroom pre-order, along with payment provider integration.

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If you would like to find out more about how Litmus Edge could benefit your school or trust, contact us today.