Helping our workforce stay mentally fit

We’re all going through unprecedented times which are impacting all of us both professionally and personally. The majority of us have gone from commuting to our office every day, to working from home, isolated from family and friends, and for many who live alone – isolated from anyone.

Aside from financial and physical concerns, mental wellbeing is also a worry. Putting measures in place to help keep our minds in good shape during this time is important and will ensure we all recover as quickly as possible from this surreal time.

That’s why we’ve launched a series of ‘Wellbeing Workshops’ internally, led by Optimumyou’s Kate Windebank – a human potential expert. The workshops, hosted online, cover different health topics such as self-care, managing relationships, lifestyle changes and anxiety and offer advice and guidance on how best to manage these during this crisis.  Not only does this help us all learn how to stay as positive as possible during this time, it also offers us an opportunity to stay connected.

The workshops are running online, bi-weekly, for eight weeks.

We’re trying our best to help each other during this time and emerge strong and agile the other side.

Stay safe everyone,

The Litmus team

Litmus – Doing what’s right when it matters most…